Free shipping on orders above AED 100


+971 50 102 0792

Shipping & Returns

How long do I have to return a product?

From the time of shipping or collection, you will have 30 days to return your purchase, as long as it meets our return policy.

What is the refund policy?

We always work towards delivery that’s 100% accurate while ensuring that each product is in perfect condition when it reaches our customers. In case of errors, however, we’d be more than happy to give you a refund if the following conditions are met:
A product(s) was found to be defective or damaged upon delivery
An incorrect product was delivered
A delivered product(s) is different from what was described online
A product(s) was near its expiry or has already expired when delivered
A product(s) was in the initial order but was not delivered

What are the refund terms & conditions?

All products for return must comply with the following terms & conditions:
Product(s) must be in its original, unused purchase condition
Packaging of each product must be unopened and not defaced in any manner
Product(s) must be accompanied by a proof of purchase such as a receipt or tax invoice
All paperwork, parts and accessories that was delivered with the product(s) must also be returned
If the product(s) was purchased as part of a set, pack or bundle, all other product(s) in the set, pack or bundle must also be returned.

How will I receive my refund?

We’ll offer your refund via your original payment method.
If you paid online, your refund will be credited to the bank/credit card or Blue Wallet used for payment.
If you paid through Blue Prepaid, your refund will be credited to a new Blue Prepaid card which we’ll send you through email.
If you paid through cash on delivery, your refund will be credited to your chosen bank account.

If I have paid through my debit or credit card, how long would it take for me to get my refund?

The whole process will take 2 to 3 weeks, starting on the day we notify you that we have received your product to your bank processing the return